The Cabin is a Boise, Idaho literary arts nonprofit. Incorporated in 1996, The Cabin serves children and adults through a variety of programs, including: writers-in-school residencies, summer writing camps, adult writing workshops, writing contests and anthologies, and readings by local writers. Their annual Readings & Conversations series brings world-renowned authors to Boise (both virtually and […]
July Calendar of Events: Our 2020 pARTners
Each year the Pettitt Group chooses 12 nonprofit arts organizations to support. We donate $1,000 to one of the groups every month during the year. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more of our “performance” organizations are transitioning to online, interactive programs. And, sadly, not all of them have been able to continue their […]
The Cabin
The Cabin is a Boise, Idaho literary arts organization. The Cabin forges community through the voices of all readers, writers and learners. The Cabin’s workshops, readings, lectures, camps and other educational programs provoke creativity and experimentation, foster literary excellence, and inspire a love of reading and writing. The Cabin believes that connecting with writers and […]
At Pettitt Group Real Estate, we know that purchasing a home is more than a place to hang your hat, it’s about being a part of a thriving community where you love where you live. We are dedicated to helping sustain our wonderful community and are passionate about keeping the arts alive in the in the Boise area. […]